What Should You Do if You Get Rear-Ended in Your Car?

Posted on February 15, 2019 in Safety, Insurance Tips, Auto Insurance, Auto Accidents,

All collisions—even low-impact collisions—should be taken seriously, even if the damages are perceived to be minor.

Even though being rear-ended will not typically cause major injuries or do substantial damage to your vehicle, it’s still prudent to be alert and remain calm so the situation doesn’t escalate.

Here are five things to do to prevent the situation from getting any worse:

1. Check for injuries

It’s important to make sure everyone involved in the collision is uninjured, whether that be you, the person who rear-ended you, or the passengers in either vehicle. If someone is injured, you should get medical assistance immediately.

2. Contact the police

The police are needed to validate an insurance claim, so call them even if there isn’t much damage to your car. The police are also helpful in keeping the situation civil and under control.

3. Contact your insurance company

Both you and the person who rear-ended you should contact your insurance companies. The other person might want to just “keep it between you two,” but that is not advised. If neither of your insurance carriers are contacted, you will be subject to the other driver’s whims. They can try to get out of paying all of the damages they caused, and you won’t get the coverage you deserve. However, if the insurance carriers are contacted, you will get the best coverage available to you, meaning quick repairs and damages being covered without a problem.

4. Record insurance and contact information

To get this information from the other driver, it would be wise to keep a friendly demeanor, even if you are frustrated due to the current circumstances.

The information you should gather is the driver’s name, the owner of the vehicle, their phone numbers and addresses, copies of their driver’s license information and license plate numbers.

5. Document the wreckage

Take pictures of any damage on your vehicle, the surrounding area, and the positions of the vehicles.

Keep in mind that car insurance is required in every state, but that doesn’t mean every driver has coverage. Unfortunately, many drivers are uninsured or underinsured. If you’re not sure about your current coverage, contact any of our Assure America offices for a free, no-obligation review and quote.     


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